Music » Choir



Riverside Preparatory Middle School and High School choirs accommodate male and female students from beginning to advanced levels. Through choir, students study and perform literature of various genres and time periods and learn vocal technique, part-singing ability, music theory, stage presence, and more. Success of this program is achieved through support from parents, administration, and faculty, and through the efforts and dedication of participating students.



RP choirs participate in a variety of performances annually, including Winter and Spring concerts. The Middle School Advanced Choir and the High School Chamber Singers (audition-only groups) perform at community events and compete in various festivals, including those sponsored by the Southern California Vocal Association (SCVA) and the culminating end of the year Music in the Parks Festival.


For seven years in a row, the Chamber Singers have taken 1st place in their category at the Music in the Parks Festival. The Middle School Advanced Choir not only took 1st place their first year competing, but also won Best Overall Choir with Superior Ratings.


Josh Cool
Band Director
[email protected]